Arrival Checklist

After you've arrived in Adelaide - what next?

There are a few things that you will need to arrange after you arrive in Adelaide. It's a good idea to organise these as soon as possible, so that once uni begins you are ready to concentrate on your studies.

Don't forget to contact your family back home to let them know you've safely arrived. If you haven't set up your phone or internet in Australia yet, you can use computers on the University campus to get in touch with home.

Your student ID card will allow you to access buildings, computer suites, and printers on campus, as well as allowing you to borrow books from the Library, access Concession fares on public transport, as well as use other student discounts.

After you have finished your enrolment, you can make your student ID card at Ask Adelaide, on level 3 of Hub Central.

You will likely need to set up an Australian bank account. Though the University does not recommend any one particular bank, there are three ATMs on the North Terrace campus:

Other banks located near the University are:

To open a bank account, you will need to complete the Australian Government's 100-point identity check. To do this you will need to provide identification, such as your passport, student card and/or driver's license, credit card, telephone or electricity bill. Opening a student account will likely require you to show your Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) document to the bank. You may also need to provide a Tax Identification Number to your bank in order to transact on an account.

If you are looking to set up a mobile (cellular) phone, a good place to start is in Rundle Mall - a shopping mall two minutes' walk from the University's North Terrace campus. The University does not recommend any mobile phone provider over any other. You will need to take some ID with you to open a mobile phone account.

Mobile phone providers include:

If you haven't already setup longer term accommodation, the University's Accommodation Service is the first place to visit for assistance finding accommodation. The Accommodation Service can also help at any time you have issues with your housemates, landlord, rental contract, or any other accommodation-related problems. 

Check out the website of your Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) provider for information about how to arrange a digital card that you can begin using right away.

OSHC providers

OSHC and the Australian health care system

When you first arrive in Adelaide, it's a good idea to familiarise yourself with the Australian health care system, as it may be different to your home country. If you hold a student visa, then you will be required to hold an Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) policy during your time here.

If you plan to work in a part-time job while you study, you will need to apply for a free Tax File Number (TFN). A TFN is your personal reference number in the Australian tax system, and most employers will require this number before you commence work. 

You can read more information about TFN, and lodge your application on the Australian Taxation Office's website .

Work and student visa conditions

If you will be working and you hold a student visa, it's also important to keep in mind your student visa conditions related to working.

An important part of settling into your new life is establishing connections: meeting new people and making friends. A great way to meet people is to join in free social programs at the University, including:


Sports and clubs

YouX has nearly 40 sporting clubs, and over 130 student clubs. Clubs include interest-based clubs, cultural clubs, religious clubs, politics clubs, academic clubs, arts clubs, and more. Joining a sport and/or club is a great way to meet people outside of your class, as well as mix with local students.

Adelaide is a compact city, so it's easy to start exploring everything it has to offer. For an introduction to Adelaide, check out Study Adelaide's list of things to do in Adelaide

Supermarkets and shopping

There are several supermarkets located in the Adelaide CBD that sell everyday food items and ingredients. Some of these supermarkets include:

Adelaide is also home to several food markets. The biggest is the Adelaide Central Market, where you can buy fresh food and ingredients from around the world.

If you are looking for restaurants, the following streets are a good place to start in Adelaide:

There are also various food courts around the city that serve cheap food during the day:

Retail outlets can be found in Rundle Mall (close to the North Terrace campus) there are also various 24/7 convenience stores within the CBD.

Getting around

Adelaide has an extensive public transport network to help you get around, including buses, trains, and trams.

Make sure to familiarise yourself with your transport options and to get yourself an Adelaide Metro card if you will be using the public transport system.

Driving in Australia

All traffic drives on the left side of the road in Australia. 

As a temporary visitor to Australia, to drive here you will need either one of these:

  • a current licence issued in another country that is written in English
  • a current licence with an English translation if necessary or an international driver's licence.

You must carry your licence documents at all times when driving and produce these and your passport to police on request. You must not be disqualified from driving in any country. If your overseas licence expires while you are in Australia, you must get an Australian licence.

Before driving in Australia, it is important to familiarise yourself with driving laws and road rules

For more information, see the South Australian Government's website.