Changing your Study Arrangements
Transition to new Adelaide University in 2026
The University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia are combining their strengths to create a new university for the future, Adelaide University, opening in January 2026.
Current student? We’re here to support you at every step. Check your email for changes to your program and see the Adelaide University website for the latest transition updates.
During the course of your studies, you or the University may need to make changes to your offer or enrolment. It is important that you understand what changes are possible and what they require.
Under the ESOS Act and the National code of 2018, the University of Adelaide is legally obliged to notify the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) of any changes to an international student’s enrolment status. For more information, please visit the immigration and visas page.
I want to change my University's offer or enrolment
During your study journey at the University of Adelaide, you may need to make changes to your offer or enrolment. It is important that you understand the application, decision, and appeal process in these circumstances.
Deferring means delaying or postponing the commencement of your studies in a specific program to a later intake. You can defer your offer for a maximum duration of 12 months.
Before the Census date you or an education agent can request for the deferral of an offer within the International Applicant portal.
A request to defer an offer may be approved if:
- The offer has not been accepted yet OR
- The offer has been accepted, but there are delays with the approval of the student visa or Compassionate and Compelling Circumstances.
Next steps:
> I want to request a deferral of an offer.
More information:
> What are Compelling and Compassionate Circumstances?
Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students
HDR students should contact the Adelaide Graduate Research School for information about deferring their program.
Withdrawing means you will not commence your studies in a specific program and you will cancel the offer you have received from the University.
Before your program starts, you or an education agent can request for the withdrawal of the offer by replying to your Confirmation of Acceptance email (i.e., the message from the University that confirms you have accepted the offer to study) and providing the reason for your withdrawal request. The International Admissions team will then contact you and may request additional documentation and information to process your withdrawal request.
- Your withdrawal will be approved and your CoE will be cancelled. Please contact the Department of Home Affairs regarding the effect this will have on your student visa.
- Check your Offer Letter or the Refund Policy to see if you are eligible for a refund and how to apply.
Next steps:
Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students
HDR students should contact the Adelaide Graduate Research School for information about withdrawing from their program.
Discontinuation means you have commenced your studies at the University of Adelaide and have decided that you will not continue studying in a specific program that you have commenced.
After your program starts, you can apply for a Discontinuation if:
- You are within the first 6 months of your program and NOT transferring to another Australian education provider; OR
- You have studied at the University for longer than 6 months.
- You will be discontinued from your program and your CoE will be cancelled. Please contact the Department of Home Affairs regarding the effect this will have on your student visa.
- Check the Refund Policy to see if you are eligible for a refund and how to apply.
Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students
HDR students should contact the Adelaide Graduate Research School for information about discontinuing their program.
Release means you have studied in your program or highest level program (when you have a packaged CoE- e.g., Bachelor's plus Master's) at the University for less than 6 months and you plan to transfer to a different Australian education provider.
Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students
HDR students should contact the Adelaide Graduate Research School for information about their Release request.
If you require a short break (less than a month) from your program, you may be able to take a break without it affecting your student visa if the break is for a compelling and compassionate reason (e.g., due to a short-term illness), and provided you are still able to meet all of the program requirements, including attendance and assessment requirements.
Important information
It is important that you discuss any potential break with all your Course Coordinators. You may also want to consult with both your Faculty and International Student Support.
Next steps:
> I want to take a short break (less than a month). I need to contact my Faculty and International Student Support.
Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students
HDR students should discuss any periods of leave first with their academic supervisors. Research students should contact the Adelaide Graduate Research School for all leave request.
Leave of Absence means you will temporarily not be enrolled to study in a teaching period.
If you need to take a break from your studies for longer than 4 weeks, you need to request a Leave of Absence.
A Leave of Absence can be approved for up to 6 months except in extenuating circumstances (e.g., military leave).
For student visa holders, a Leave of Absence can only be granted when there are Compelling and Compassionate Circumstances or your ability to enrol is impacted and it’s beyond your control (i.e., visa delay, unavailability of courses).
Before you apply:
- You may seek advice from an International Student Advisor.
- You may need permission from your Program Director or Delegate.
- A Leave of Absence can be granted for 6 months where there are Compassionate and Compelling Circumstances.
- If a Leave of Absence is approved, the leave period will be recorded on your CoE. This may cause your CoE to be cancelled. Please contact the Department of Home Affairs regarding the effect this will have on your student visa.
Next steps:
> I want to take time off and request for a Leave of Absence. I have already discussed my potential break with my Faculty and/or International Student Support.
More information:
Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students
HDR students should discuss any periods of leave first with their academic supervisors. Research students should contact the Adelaide Graduate Research School for all Leave requests.
Coursework students
In order to apply for a new student visa, you will first need to apply for a new Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) from the University. New CoEs can only be issued for a limited number of reasons.
Reasons for a new CoE:
- Failed occasional courses throughout the program and was unable to undertake repeat courses in Summer or Winter School or through flexible delivery mode
- Where there is an approved leave of absence
- Where there is an implemented intervention strategy
Please note:
- We cannot provide you with a CoE until you have: (1) received your final grades for this study period, (2) have received any replacement exams/ additional assessment grades, and (3) have paid all of your fees since a CoE cannot be issued for students with Negative Service Indicators (NSIs) on their account.
- Your new CoE will be emailed to you at your student email address.
- CoE processing times can take up to three weeks (after grades are released), and up to five weeks during peak processing times (December-January and July-August).
- You should extend your OSHC policy for the length of your new student visa before you lodge your visa application. You will be advised of your recommended OSHC length when we email your new CoE to you.
- For information about extending your student visa, see the Department of Home Affairs - Student visa.
- If your student account has been deactivated, please first contact your faculty to request reactivation.
Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students
If you are a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) student, you may apply for a new CoE for the full duration of your candidature. If you require an extension beyond your candidature end date, you will first need to apply for a candidature extension through the Adelaide Graduate Research School.
Please note:
- Once you have your new CoE, you must purchase sufficient Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) to cover the full duration of your new visa. It is easier to do this before applying for your new student visa.
- International research students may be entitled to a visa for up to 6 months after their CoE end date so that they may remain onshore while their thesis is being marked and to give them time to make any corrections if required.
- If you are a sponsored student and your OSHC is arranged by the University, your CoE will reflect the total OSHC duration to which you are entitled. If you wish to take advantage of the full visa duration to which you may be entitled, you must purchase additional OSHC before lodging your visa application.
- International students studying a PhD or Master by Research are entitled to apply for a further student visa to cover the period between their thesis submission and official program completion. To apply for this student visa, you will require a letter from International Student Support, instead of a CoE. Please contact International Student Support directly to discuss the procedures for obtaining this letter.
Next steps:
> I am a Coursework student. I want to apply for a new Confirmation of Enrolment.
> I am a Higher Degree by Research student. I want to apply for a new Confirmation of Enrolment.
More information:
> Department of Home Affairs - Student visa
> Overseas Student Health Cover
Lodge your internal transfer request before the deadline for applications.
If you are successful in your transfer, you will receive a Letter of Offer for the new program.
After accepting the Letter of Offer, you will be issued with a new Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) for your new program. Your CoE for your previous program will be cancelled. Please note that your Letter of Offer may contain a condition that you wait until you have received your grades for the current study period before you are able to accept the Offer.
If your new program is longer than your old program, you can use your new CoE to apply for a new student visa. Please note that you can only apply for a new student visa roughly 3 months before the expiry date of your current visa.
If you have further questions about the internal transfer process, please speak to staff at the International Admissions Office.
If you are currently studying a Pre-Enrolment English (PEP) program and would like to change your degree program at the University, please speak to the English Language Centre.
Next steps:
> I would like to transfer to another program offered by the University.
More information:
Coursework students
Coursework international students who hold a student visa are generally expected to maintain a full-time enrolment load.
Important information
Before making any changes to your enrolment, it is important that you read through the eligibility criteria carefully and apply through the appropriate method.
Higher Degree Research (HDR) students
Students studying a higher degree by research (HDR) program (PhD or Master by Research) should consult the Adelaide Graduate Research School for processes around part-time study. Generally, student visa holders studying HDR programs onshore in Australia are not able to enrol in part-time study. Any scholarship you receive may also affect your ability to study part-time.
Next steps:
> I am a Coursework student. I want to reduce my enrolment load.
> I am an HDR student. I need to contact the Adelaide Graduate Research School about reducing my enrolment load.
Important information
Please see the Department of Home Affairs for information about the potential student visa impacts of changing your study arrangements. If you are thinking about making changes to your enrolments that aren’t listed here, please contact International Student Support first in order to discuss the possible impact of these changes on your student visa status.
The University changes your offer or enrolment
During your study journey at the University of Adelaide, there are also some circumstances where the University may need to change your offer or enrolment. It is important you understand these processes where your enrolment may be suspended or cancelled by the University.
Withdrawing an offer means the University no longer offers you a place to study in a specific program or at a specific intake.
- The University may withdraw an offer under the circumstances listed in the Admissions to Coursework Program Policy.
- You or your agent will be notified of the withdrawal and the reason.
- International Admissions will offer you an alternative program and/or provide instruction to apply for a refund.
- You may appeal the decision:
More information:
Non-commencement means you did not enrol in your program by the last date to enrol in your first teaching period.
- You do not enrol in your first teaching period.
- The University is required to monitor and report this to the Department of Home Affairs.
- Your offer will be withdrawn and your CoE will be cancelled. Please note, you need to contact the Department of Home Affairs regarding the effect this will have on your student visa.
- If you want to re-enrol in your program, you will need to reapply through the International Applicant Portal.
More information:
Non-enrolment means you are not enrolled in your program in a teaching period your are expected to enrol.
- You do not enrol in a compulsory teaching period.
- The University is required to monitor and report this to the Department of Home Affairs.
- Your offer will be withdrawn and your CoE will be cancelled. Please note, you need to contact the Department of Home Affairs regarding the effect this will have on your student visa.
- If you want to re-enrol in your program, you will need to reapply through the International Applicant Portal.
More information:
Exceeding the online enrolment limit means you are enrolled in more than one-third of your total program courses in an online teaching mode, or you have only online enrolments in any teaching period.
- You exceed your online enrolment limit.
- The University will notify you to change your enrolment.
- If you do not change your enrolment, the University will drop the online enrolments and may cancel your CoE and discontinue you from your program. Please note, you need to contact the Department of Home Affairs regarding the effect this will have on your student visa.
- If you want to re-enrol in your program, you will need to reapply through the International Applicant Portal.
More information:
Suspension means you are temporarily prevented from studying in your program or any other program at the University for a specified period.
- The University may initiate a suspension of your enrolment due to academic or student misconduct.
- You will be notified of the suspension from your studies and its duration. You will be given 20 working days to appeal the decision.
- You may appeal the decision through Student Grievance Policy and Procedure.
Exclusion means to you are prevented from studying in a specific program or similar programs at the University for a 12-month period.
- The University may exclude you from the University if you are not meeting satisfactory academic progress.
- You will be notified of your exclusion from the University and you will be given 20 working days to appeal the decision.
- You may appeal the decision through Student Grievance Policy and Procedure.