Working while Studying

If you decide to work a part-time job while studying there are a few things to consider.

It's important to make sure the extra workload doesn’t negatively affect your studies. Here are some resources to aid your awareness of student visa conditions surrounding working hours and to be sure that you are being treated fairly by your employer. 

  • Check your visa conditions and read the information from the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) regarding restrictions on your work. You can check your conditions on your visa grant letter or use DHA's Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO).
  • The 48-hour per fortnight limit applies during teaching, assessment periods, and mid-semester breaks. You can work unlimited hours when the final assessment period has ended, during scheduled course breaks, and when you have completed your course.
  • The 48-hour per fortnight limit does not apply if:

    - the work is a mandatory component of your CRICOS registered course (e.g., compulsory placements that are required to complete your program - to check whether your course has a registered work component, go to the CRICOS website, enter your CRICOS course code, and make sure there's a 'YES' next to Work Component), or  

    - if you've started a masters by research or a doctorate degree.                   

In addition to your visa conditions, there are also working conditions you need to be aware of if you are going to work in Australia. 

Make sure you understand these things before agreeing to work in Australia.